
报告人:美国工程院院士Marshal G. Jones博士




报告人简介Marshal G. Jones博士,美国工程院院士、美国自然科学基金会咨询委员会顾问、国际激光焊接及3D打印先驱、全球激光材料加工界公认的著名权威之一。自1974年起任职GE全球研发(纽约)中心高级研究员、通用电气公司Coolidge院士。主要成就包括在“激光焊接、光纤研发和增材制造(3D打印)技术领域的开创性研究”,拥有55项美国专利、57项外国专利、论文著述50余篇。获无数激光制造技术杰出成就奖,包括2007年获得以诺贝尔物理学奖得主A.L. Schawlow命名的激光技术成就奖,2017年入选美国杰出发明家名人堂(2017 The U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame)。

报告摘要Laser technology has been used in manufacturing in industry since the late 1960s. Note that the laser was invented in 1960. Industry and the GE businesses have leveraged laser welding and material removal processes for productivity gains, cost savings, and quality. This publication will highlight several laser-based welding and material removal applications, old and new. The oldest laser process in GE is the drilling of cooling holes in aircraft engine components. One of the newest laser-based application is the building of aircraft engine fuel nozzles by additive manufacturing (3D printing). Some other applications include the welding of refractory materials (e.g. Mo and Nb) for lighting products; 40-foot-long fuel rods are welded with 2-kW fiber lasers for the nuclear business; head-liner welding for the diesel engine for locomotives (14 kW fiber laser replaced CO2 laser); and x-ray components are welded in a two-station 11kW fiber laser (EB welding replaced by laser). The three fiber laser applications were all transitioned into GE businesses during 2011 and it demonstrates the emergence of fiber laser welding being used in GE for manufacturing processes.